Monday, August 6, 2012

[Solved] ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found

You might have come across this Oracle error while working with you database app connected to a Oracle 10g XE database.

ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found
java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(
This is how to get rid of it. Open the sqlplus command line and set the processes and scope values as below. (and restart Oracle)

That's it!!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

How to run Jmeter tests in non-GUI mode, automated with a shell script

Apache Jmeter is a great versatile tool for performance testing of web servers, DBMS servers etc. It's a pure Java application where you can use even your own Java code to customize and randomize your tests. My intention of this post is not to tell you about all of those features, but one such cool feature of Jmeter which is running Jmeter tests in non-GUI mode.

If you have worked with Jmeter you surely should have experienced that sometimes it get stuck or crashes while you are doing high concurrency (> 300) load testing. One solution for this is to create your test using the GUI and save it as a '.jmx' file and later run that in non-GUI mode and save the test results to a '.jtl' file. In that way you will be able to carry out your load test without crashing or maybe with more concurrency.

OKEY..... This is how to do it.

1. First prepare your test plan with Jmeter and save it, let's say the file name is 'mytest.jmx'. (It gets saved as a xml configuration file with the .jmx extention).

2. Then go to Apache JMETER_HOME/bin folder using command shell. And then run Jmeter with the following parameters, to execute the test.
./jmeter -n -t \absolute_path\mytest.jmx -l \absolute_path\mytest_results.jtl

3. While the test is running the results will be saved in the 'mytest_results.jtl'. When your test is complete you can open this jtl file in Jmeter and summarize the results or create graphs using it.
To do that open Jmeter and add a Summary Report to the test plan (Add --> Listener --> Summary Report). And then go to the Summary Report UI and 'Browse' and open your mytest_results.jtl file. comes the real headache :-). Let's say you have to repeat the above test several times with small changes to the test. I actually had a requirement at my work to repeat the same Jmeter test with different concurrency levels and number of loops.
The hard way to do this is create separate test scripts for different concurrency levels using the GUI and run them separately as above.
A less hard way to do this is open the test file (.jmx) using a text editor and change the values every time you repeat the test, in the ThreadGroup element in the test configuration(as below), and run the same file.

<ThreadGroup guiclass="ThreadGroupGui" testclass="ThreadGroup" testname="Thread Group" enabled="true">
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.on_sample_error">continue</stringProp>
        <elementProp name="ThreadGroup.main_controller" elementType="LoopController" guiclass="LoopControlPanel" testclass="LoopController" testname="Loop Controller" enabled="true">
          <boolProp name="LoopController.continue_forever">false</boolProp>
          <stringProp name="LoopController.loops">1000</stringProp>
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.num_threads">300</stringProp>
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.ramp_time">1</stringProp>
        <longProp name="ThreadGroup.start_time">1339414812000</longProp>
        <longProp name="ThreadGroup.end_time">1339414812000</longProp>
        <boolProp name="ThreadGroup.scheduler">false</boolProp>
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.duration"></stringProp>
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.delay"></stringProp>

OK.... But why not automate the above 'less hard way' and make your life easy..
If you are a shell scripting master this is a "few lines" work, but since I'm not, this is how I did it.





cd ./jmx
while test $i != 7
sed 's/_loop_/'${loop[$i]}'/g' mytest.jmx > ./jmtest.jmx
sed 's/_con_/'${conc[$i]}'/g' jmtest.jmx > jmtest_${conc[$i]}.jmx
rm jmtest.jmx
cd ../apache-jmeter-2.6/bin/
./jmeter -n -t ../../jmx/jmtest_${conc[$i]}.jmx -l ../../jtl/results_${conc[$i]}.jtl
i=`expr $i + 1`
cd ../../jmx

For newbies like me, I will explain the script briefly.

For this script to work first you should do a small change to your Jmeter test configuration. You have to give a variable string for num_threads and loop instead of actual values, as below.
<ThreadGroup guiclass="ThreadGroupGui" testclass="ThreadGroup" testname="Thread Group" enabled="true">
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.on_sample_error">continue</stringProp>
        <elementProp name="ThreadGroup.main_controller" elementType="LoopController" guiclass="LoopControlPanel" testclass="LoopController" testname="Loop Controller" enabled="true">
          <boolProp name="LoopController.continue_forever">false</boolProp>
          <stringProp name="LoopController.loops">_loop_</stringProp>
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.num_threads">_con_</stringProp>
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.ramp_time">1</stringProp>
        <longProp name="ThreadGroup.start_time">1339414812000</longProp>
        <longProp name="ThreadGroup.end_time">1339414812000</longProp>
        <boolProp name="ThreadGroup.scheduler">false</boolProp>
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.duration"></stringProp>
        <stringProp name="ThreadGroup.delay"></stringProp>

In the shell script, first I put the concurrency values and loop values in to 2 different arrays.
And then using a while loop I edit the concurrency and loop values in Jmeter test script for each time I have to repeat the test. I have used sed command for that. It searches for the _loop_ and _con_ strings in the Jmeter script and will replace it with the corresponding values in above two arrays.
Then inside the loop, changed Jmeter script is executed (for the number of times the while loop is run) in non GUI mode and results are saved in different jtl files.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to install Oracle XE 10g on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit

Once I had a hard time installing Oracle XE -10g on Ubuntu 64bit machine. Since there is no 64bit version of Oracle-XE 10g we have to add some extra lib's for Oracle to work. Following are the steps to install.

2) Download libaio_0.3.104-1_i386.deb lib package from here.
3) In command line terminal go to the directory where above 2 files are downloaded.
4) Type : sudo apt-get install bc
5) Then force to install the library : dpkg -i --force-architecture libaio_0.3.104-1_i386.deb 
6) Force to install Oracle XE : dpkg -i --force-architecture oracle-xe-universal_10.2.0.1-1.1_i386.deb
7) After the installation is complete you need to configure the setup :  sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
    -- While configuring you will be asked to assign the port numbers (default port numbers are prompted you can give the same).
    -- You will be asked to set a password for SYS and SYSTEM. Never ever give the password as "admin" you will not be able to log in after oracle is started.
       (It was the lesson I learned after struggling couple of hours, interesting that oracle doesn't support the password 'admin' :-) ). 
       Remember to give a password with more than 8 characters.

8) After configuration is complete you have to set environment variables for Oracle.
    -- Open your bashrc : sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc
    -- And add the following variables and save the file :

    export ORACLE_HOME
    export ORACLE_SID=XE
    export PATH

9) It's done!! Now, to start the server : sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe start  (you can use start, restart, stop arguments also)

10) To start with 'sqlplus' enter the following in command line: sqlplus sys as sysdba
     Or you can go to the admin console from the  browser:


11) If you want to completely remove oracle sudo dpkg -P oracle-xe-universal